Acupuncture Points for Dizziness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Motion sickness Acupuncture Points

Dizziness Acupuncture Points

Acu Points for Dizziness

LI3(三間),  TE3(中渚),  Alternative ST45(中厲兌),  GB21(肩井)

Acu-points for Dizziness1 Acu-points for Dizziness2 Acu-points for Dizziness3 Acupuncture Points for Dizziness4


Meniere's disease Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points for Meniere’s disease (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Meniere’s disease. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Meniere’s disease. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

GV14 大椎

Acupuncture Points for Common cold (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Common cold. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Common cold. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Constipation Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points for Constipation (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Constipation. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Constipation. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Diabetes Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points for Diabetes (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Diabetes. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Diabetes. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Kink in the Neck (crick) Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points for Kink in the Neck (crick) – Japanese Acupuncture

Acu-points for Kink in the Neck (crick). Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Kink in the Neck (crick). It’s easy and useful for self-care.

LR-13 章門

Liver Meridian (LR) and Acu points

Liver Meridian(LR) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足厥陰肝経

PC-5 間使

Pericardium Meridians (PC) and Acu points

Pericardium Meridian(PC) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手厥陰心包経

Bladder Meridian

Bladder Meridians (BL) and Acu points

Bladder Meridian(BL) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陽膀胱経

LI-4 合谷

Large Intestine (LI) Meridian and Acu points

Large Intestine Meridian(LI) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手陽明大腸経

SP-11 箕門

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian(SP) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陰脾経

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