Acupuncture Points for Motion sickness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Motion sickness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Motion sickness Acupuncture Points

Acu Points for Motion sickness

Motion sickness or kinetosis referred to as seasickness, car sickness, simulation sickness or airsickness.

   Acupoints for Motion sickness

The points are suitable for moxibustion.


Acupuncture Points for Palpitation (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Palpitation (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Palpitation. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Palpitation. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Acupuncture Points for Dizziness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Dizziness (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Dizziness. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Dizziness. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Acupuncture Points for Appendicitis (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Appendicitis (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Appendicitis. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Appendicitis. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Acupuncture Points for Leg Cramps (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Leg Cramps (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Leg Cramps. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Leg Cramps. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Acupuncture Points for Infertility (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acupuncture Points for Infertility (Japanese Acupuncture)

Acu-points for Infertility. Japanese ancient healing method of Acupuncture points for Infertility. It’s easy and useful for self-care.

Pericardium Meridians (PC) and Acu points

Pericardium Meridians (PC) and Acu points

Pericardium Meridian(PC) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手厥陰心包経

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian (SP) and Acu points

Spleen Meridian(SP) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足太陰脾経

Stomach Meridians (ST) and Acu points

Stomach Meridians (ST) and Acu points

Stomach Meridian(ST) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 足陽明胃経

Heart Meridian (HT) and Acu points

Heart Meridian (HT) and Acu points

Heart Meridian(HT) for Acupuncture and Moxabustion 手少陰心経

Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) and Acu points

Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) and Acu points

Conception Vessel Meridian(CV) 任脈

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