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Gallbladder Meridian(GB) 足少陽胆経
◐ GB-1 瞳子髎 ◐ GB-2 聴会 ◐ GB-3 上関 ◐ GB-4 頷厭 ◐ GB-5 懸顱 ◐ GB-6 懸釐 ◐ GB-7 曲鬢 ◐ GB-8 率谷 ◐ GB-9 天衝 ◐ GB-10 浮白 ◐ GB-11 頭竅陰 ◐ GB-12 完骨 ◐ GB-13 本神 ◐ GB-14 陽白 ◐ GB-15 頭臨泣 ◐ GB-16 目窓 ◐ GB-17 正営 ◐ GB-18 承霊 ◐ GB-19 脳空 ◐ GB-20 風池 ◐ GB-21 肩井 ◐ GB-22 淵腋 ◐ GB-23 輒筋 ◐ GB-24 日月 ◐ GB-25 京門 ◐ GB-26 帯脈◐ GB-27 五枢 ◐ GB-28 維道 ◐ GB-29 居髎 ◐ GB-30 環跳◐ GB-31 風市 ◐ GB-32 中瀆 ◐ GB-33 足陽関 ◐ GB-34 陽陵泉◐ GB-35 陽交 ◐ GB-36 外丘 ◐ GB-37 光明 ◐ GB-38 陽輔◐ GB-39 懸鐘 ◐ GB-40 丘墟 ◐ GB-41 足臨泣 ◐ GB-42 地五会◐ GB-43 侠谿 ◐ GB-44 足竅陰
GB-1 瞳子髎
WHO : On the head, in the depression, 0.5 B-cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye.
GB-2 聴会
WHO : On the face, in the depression between the intertragic notch and the condylar process of the mandible.
Note: When the mouth is opened, GB2 is located in the depression anterior to the intertragic notch.
GB-3 上関
WHO : On the head, in the depression superior to the midpoint of the zygomatic arch
Note: In the depression superior to the zygomatic arch, superior to ST7.
GB-4 頷厭
WHO : On the head, at the junction of the upper one fourth and lower three fourths of the curved line from ST8 to GB7.
GB-5 懸顱
WHO : On the head, at the midpoint of the curved line from ST8 to GB7.
GB-6 懸釐
WHO : On the head, at the junction of the upper three fourths and lower one fourth of the curved line from ST8 to GB7.
GB-7 曲鬢
WHO : On the head, at the junction of the vertical line of the posterior border of the temple hairline and the horizontal line of the apex of the auricle.
GB-8 率谷
WHO : On the head, directly superior to the auricular apex, 1.5 B-cun superior to the temporal hairline.
Note: Superior to TE20, 1.5 B-cun within the hairline, it is easier to palpate the point while the subject is chewing.
GB-9 天衝
WHO : On the head, directly superior to the posterior border of the auricular root, 2 B-cun superior to the hairline.
Note: GB9 is 0.5 B-cun posterior to GB8.
GB-10 浮白
WHO : On the head, posterosuperior to the mastoid process, at the junction of the upper one third and lower two thirds of the curved line from GB9 to GB12.
Note: Posterior to the auricular apex, 1 Bcun superior to the hairline.
GB-11 頭竅陰
WHO : On the head, posterior and superior to the mastoid process, at the junction of the upper two thirds and lower one third of the curved line from GB 9 to GB12.
GB-12 完骨
WHO : In the anterior region of the neck, in the depression posteroinferior to the mastoid process.
GB-13 本神
WHO : On the head, 0.5 B-cun superior to the anterior hairline, 3 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.
Note: GB13 is at the junction of the medial two thirds and lateral one third of the curved line from GV24 to ST8.
GB-14 陽白
WHO : On the head, 1 B-cun superior to the eyebrow, directly superior to the centre of the pupil.
GB-15 頭臨泣
WHO : On the head, 0.5 B-cun within the anterior hairline, directly superior to the centre of the pupil.
Note: When looking straight ahead, GB15 is superior to the centre of the pupil, at the midpoint of the curved line from GV24 to ST8.
GB-16 目窓
WHO : On the head, 1.5 B-cun within the anterior hairline, directly superior to the centre of the pupil.
Note: GB16 is 1 B-cun superior to GB15.
GB-17 正営
WHO : On the head, 2.5 B-cun within the anterior hairline, directly superior to the centre of the pupil.
Note: GB17 is 2 B-cun superior to GB15.
GB-18 承霊
WHO : On the head, 4 B-cun within the anterior hairline, directly superior to the centre of the pupil.
Note: GB18 is 1.5 B-cun posterior to GB17, at the same level as BL7.
GB-19 脳空
WHO : On the head, at the same level as the superior border of the external occipital protuberance, directly superior to GB20.
Note: GB19 is at the same level as GV17 and BL9.
GB-20 風池
WHO : In the anterior region of the neck, inferior to the occipital bone, in the depression between the origins of sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles. Note: GB20 is at the same level as GV16.
GB-21 肩井
WHO : In the posterior region of the neck, at the midpoint of the line connecting the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra (C7) with the lateral end of the acromion.
GB-22 淵腋
WHO : In the lateral thoracic region, in the fourth intercostal space, on the midaxillary line.
GB-23 輒筋
WHO : In the lateral thoracic region, in the fourth intercostal space, 1 B-cun anterior to the midaxillary line.
GB-24 日月
WHO : In the anterior thoracic region, in the seventh intercostal space, 4 B-cun lateral to the anterior median line.
Note 1: GB24 is inferior to the centre of the nipple, one rib inferior to LR14.
Note 2: In females, GB24 can be found at the intersection of the midclavicular line and the seventh intercostal space.
GB-25 京門
WHO : On the lateral abdomen, inferior to the free extremity of the 12th rib.
Note: GB25 can be located while the subject is lying on the side with the shoulder flexed. The free extremity of the 12th rib can be palpated below the inferior border of the costal arch posterior to the posterior axillary line.
GB-26 帯脈
WHO : On the lateral abdomen, inferior to the free extremity of the 11th rib, at the same level as the centre of umbilicus.
Note 1: GB26 can be located by first locating the tenth rib, then searching for the free extremity of the 11th rib that is situated immediately below the inferior border of the costal arch.
Note 2: GB26 is inferior to LR13, at the same level as CV8.
GB-27 五枢
WHO : On the lower abdomen, 3 B-cun inferior to the centre of umbilicus, medial to the anterior superior iliac spine.
Note: GB27 is 3 B-cun inferior to GB26, at the same level as CV4.
GB-28 維道
WHO : On the lower abdomen, 0.5 B-cun medioinferior to the anterior superior iliac spine. Note: GB28 is 0.5 B-cun medioinferior to GB27.
GB-29 居髎
WHO : In the buttock region, midpoint of the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the prominence of the greater trochanter.
GB-30 環跳
WHO : In the buttock region, at the junction of the lateral one third and medial two thirds of the line connecting the prominence of the greater trochanter with the sacral hiatus.
Note: GB30 is easier to locate when the subject is lying on the side with the thigh flexed.
Remarks: Alternative location for GB30 – in the buttock region, at the junction of the lateral one third and medial two thirds of the distance between the prominence of the greater trochanter and the anterior superior iliac spine.
GB-31 風市
WHO : On the lateral aspect of the thigh, in the depression posterior to the iliotibial band where the tip of the middle finger rests, when standing up with the arms hanging alongside the thigh.
Note: GB31 is located by first finding the iliotibial band when the knee is slightly flexed and the hip is abducted against resistance.
GB-32 中瀆
WHO : On the lateral aspect of the thigh, posterior to the iliotibial band, 7 B-cun superior to the popliteal crease.
GB-33 足陽関
WHO : On the lateral aspect of the knee, in the depression between the biceps femoris tendon and the iliotibial band, posterior and proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the femur.
GB-34 陽陵泉
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, in the depression anterior and distal to the head of the fibula.
GB-35 陽交
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, posterior to the fibula, 7 B-cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.Z
Note: GB35 is located 1 B-cun distal to the midpoint of the line connecting the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the lateral end of the popliteal crease, posterior to GB36.
GB-36 外丘
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, anterior to the fibula, 7 B-cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
Note: GB36 is located 1 B-cun distal to the midpoint of the line connecting the prominence of the lateral malleolus and the lateral end of the popliteal crease, anterior to GB35.
GB-37 光明
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, anterior to the fibula, 5 B-cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
GB-38 陽輔
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, anterior to the fibula, 4 B-cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
GB-39 懸鐘 or 絶骨
WHO : On the fibular aspect of the leg, anterior to the fibula, 3 B-cun proximal to the prominence of the lateral malleolus.
GB-40 丘墟
WHO : On the anterolateral aspect of the ankle, in the depression lateral to the extensor digitorum longus tendon, anterior and distal to the lateral malleolus.
Note: GB40 is easier to locate by finding the extensor digitorum longus tendon when the second to fifth toes are extended against resistance.
GB-41 足臨泣
WHO : On the dorsum of the foot, distal to the junction of the bases of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, in the depression lateral to the fifth extensor digitorum longus tendon.
GB-42 地五会
WHO : On the dorsum of the foot, between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones, in the depression proximal to the fourth metatarsophalangeal joint.
GB-43 侠谿
WHO : On the dorsum of the foot, between the fourth and fifth toes, proximal to the web margin, at the border between the red and white flesh.
GB-44 足竅陰
WHO : On the fourth toe, lateral to the distal phalanx, 0.1 F-cun proximal to the lateral corner of the toenail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the lateral side of the nail and the horizontal line of the base of the fourth toenail.
Large Intestine (LI) Meridian and Acu points
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